Now before I start this post, I would just like to say that Sevilla is probably one of the most underrated places i
n Spain and I would highly recommend it to anyone who is considering coming to Spain. Secondly I would like to say that I don’t think I could have gone to Sevilla with a better group of people. You guys are honestly amazing and I had one of the best weekend of my life thanks to all of you ☺
Friday Feb 4th
Woke up at 6:40. This is the earliest I have woken up in awhile. It was cold and dark out but lucky for me the bus that that takes me to the Granada bus terminal picks up 2 blocks away from my apartment. I wait for the bus and it arrives and 7:20 there is a lot more traffic than normal and I make it to the bus station around 7:45.
Friday Feb 4th
Woke up at 6:40. This is the earliest I have woken up in awhile. It was cold and dark out but lucky for me the bus that that takes me to the Granada bus terminal picks up 2 blocks away from my apartment. I wait for the bus and it arrives and 7:20 there is a lot more traffic than normal and I make it to the bus station around 7:45.
It is there that I had planned o
n meeting up with Madeline, Caroline, Lauren and Danielle. Much to my surprise upon arrival Lauren and Danielle were no were to be found….turns out as luck would have it that they had taken the wrong bus to the bus terminal and were instead headed toward the Sierra Nevada.
Madeline, Caroline and myself promptly bordered the bus at 7:55, Lauren and Danielle would be forced to take another bus. The bus ride to sevilla went smoothly, we were given ‘breakfast’ on the bus and I almost immediately feel asleep after eating my palmera cookies
Madeline, Caroline and myself promptly bordered the bus at 7:55, Lauren and Danielle would be forced to take another bus. The bus ride to sevilla went smoothly, we were given ‘breakfast’ on the bus and I almost immediately feel asleep after eating my palmera cookies
We arrived at Sevilla around 11 and were welcomed by absolutely gorgeous weather, it was in the 60’s at least. After leaving the train we made o
ur way to the “Garden Backpacker Hostel”.This would be my first hostel experience ever.
We made it to the hostel without any problems, just a couple of creepy stares. The hostel was awesome! It featured and outdoor garden area complete with tables and hammocks as well as a full service kitchen and sun roof.
Since Madeline and I had booked the hostel later then the rest of the girls we w
ere going to have to be sharing a bed for the first night. So I checked us and we made out way to ‘our’ room. The rooms were pretty big and the beds were too thankfully.
Lauren and Danielle arrived around 2pm and as soon as they settled in we took a walking tour, that our hostel offered for free. The tour last about 3 hours and we were able to see a lot of what Sevilla had to offer
We made our way back to the hostel around 6:30pm. By then Estaban and Ryan had arrived to sevilla as well so we were gonna meet up with them and plan the rest of our day. Back at the hostel we decided to sign up for dinner. 6 Euro got us all you can eat Palle and Sangria. It was absolutely amazing and it defiantly set the tone for the rest of the night.
We spent a majority of the night just drinking and talking at the hostel and it turned into one of the funniest nights I had had in a while. It was during this time that I noticed that at our hostels ‘bar’ there were straws that were about a foot and a half long. I NEEDED to have one, I ended up with 8 and our group was entertained for quite some time as a result of these.
Around midnight our group made our way back into the city because we were really eager to get a taste of the Sevilla night life. This didn’t work out exactly as planned but we still managed to make a night out of it.
Once back at our hostel Madeline and I realized that we would be sleeping under what we decided was the creepiest man we had ever seen. So we made the executive decision to switch rooms, we grabbed our mattress and moved it into Estaban and Ryan’s room private room.
After the most ridiculous photo shoot ever and getting in trouble by the hostel staff for giggling to loud we went to sleep.
Saturday Feb 5th
We woke up the next day at 9:30 to get an early start on our day. The hostel offered us a free breakfast. Mine consisted of toast covered in nuttella, how incredibly healthy of me right?
This day I would end up referring to as The Perfect Day. During the morning we went sightseeing visiting the Cathedral, which is gorgeous and is currently my favorite, the Alcazar with its beautiful gardens. Around 2 we got a Menu del dia at one of the local restaurants. It was delicious, but it did not compare to the AMAZING paella from the night before. OM NOM NOM
Afterwards we climbed up the cathedral tower, which at one point used to be the tallest building in the world. 37 ramps later we were greeted with enormous bells and a rather amazing view.
Now for the past day or so we had all been toying with the idea of renting bikes and that afternoon we decided to go for it. This turned out to be the best decision of the weekend. We rode our bikes down the bike path, along the river, through the parks, and around la Plaza Espana. It was the perfect way to end the day.
After all off that we were all pretty hungry so we decided we needed to get food. Being the economicly savvy college kids that we are we decided making dinner for ourselves would be our most affordable option.
So we walked into super sol not knowing what to expect and then we stumbled upon this little deal… 2 full size pizzas for….. drum roll 90cents?!!!? Only catch? They were ham and cheese pizzas
Did we buy them? Of course!
Did we each eat our own? Duh?!
Did we regret it later?! Helll no. ( well Esteban did….)
That night my nutritionist approved dinner consisted of: 1 full size ham and cheese pizza (45 cents) one roll of principe cookies (they are amazing and you should all try them) (25 cents) 3 mandarins (60 cents) WIN
Sunday Feb 6th
Esteban, Madeline, Ryan and myself went to mass at the cathedral. It was the fastest mass I have ever been too… ever. It was incredible how fast the priest were speaking.
We spent the majority of our last day in Sevilla just walking around the city and taking in the sights. We even napped a lil along the river. It was all very European of us… until lunch when we all caved in and had burgerking.
Nonetheless it was another great weekend with some pretty amazing people
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